Big soft plastic worms work great for targeting bigger largemouth bass. In some lakes, you may not get very many bites with the 10″ and 12″ worms, but the bites you do get will be quality bites. If you are fishing lakes that have big bass potential, you may want to try using a bigger worm, especially during the summer time.
Use a Big Hook
The biggest mistake most anglers use when fishing with a big worm is that they don’t upsize to a large enough hook. Go bigger and you’ll have a better chance at hooking up with that big bass that eats your worm.
Upsize Your Tackle
You may catch a 5, 6 or 7 pounder and on some lakes, it may even be bigger so make sure you are using heavy enough tackle. For most situations, you’re going to want 20 pound test line as the minimum and a heavy action rod and reel to match.
Popular Rigs & Techniques
Big Worms Catch Big Largemouth Bass
Big bass love big baits and big worms are one of the best baits to use for big bass. You will still catch some smaller bass, but you will get a lot more big bites with the 10″ to 12″ worms.
Flipping & Pitching Around Cover
Flipping and pitching a large worm is one of the best ways to target big largemouth bass. Just make sure you pair the big worm with a heavy rod and heavy line so you can get those big bass out of the heavy cover.
Hop Them Along the Bottom
You can use a variety of rigs to hop a big worm slowly along the bottom. Mix in some pauses and hold on.
Fish Them Slowly Through the Water Column
You can also fish the big worms slowly through the water column. The bigger worms will often have some weight to them, so a weightless rig may still have enough weight to get the bait down. If the worm isn’t falling fast enough, try adding a small split shot weight and then fish the bait slowly through the water column with a lift and pause retrieve. This technique works great when bass are in the shallows and when they are suspended close to the surface.