
There are 2 Ways to Advertise

Directory Listings
No Limit on # of Advertisers
Featured Partner Advertisements
Limited to 10 Total Advertisers
$15 / month $30 / month
Current Trial Offer  67% Off Current Trial Offer  67% Off
Only $5 / month for 12 months, then $15 per month. Only $10 / month for 12 months, then $30 per month.

Learn More Below

Directory Business Listings

Who are these for? Fishing Guides, Fishing Charters, Lodging (Hotels, Resorts, Motels, Rentals)
Where do the ads go? They will go on the appropriate directory page in the order they are purchased.
What Size? 640 x 320 (The height can be smaller than 320, but the length needs to be 640.)
Cost? Current Sale: $5 per month for 12 months then $15 per month

How to Sign Up

Use our Paypal Button at the bottom of the page to sign up for our Directory Listings.

Give us 48 hours to follow up with you.  All advertisements will go online within 7 days of being listed.  Your advertising start date is 7 days after your payment and it will always trail 7 days from your payment date of each month.

Featured Partner Advertisements

Our Featured Partners receive more exposure because their advertisement goes on a lot more pages.

For Port St. Joe / Cape San Blas, Florida, your ad will serve on the following pages:

Categories # of Pages
Home Page 1
Bait & Tackle 1
Fishing Calendar 1
The Fish 21
Where to Fish 7
Total # Pages That Your Ad Will Be Served On 31

The advertisements will start at the bottom of the content in the order that each ad was purchased.

Who are these for? Fishing Guides, Fishing Charters, Lodging, Real Estate Businesses, Dining Establishments
What Size?

640 x 320 (The height can be smaller than 320, but the length needs to be 640.)

Cost? Current Sale: $10 per month for 12 months then $30 per month

Fishing Guides & Charters / Lodging

You get a free directory listing with the purchase of the Featured Partner Advertisement.

10 Spots Available Only

We only allow 10 advertisements for the Featured Partner Advertisements.  They show in the order that they were purchased.  We do not rotate the ads.

Character Count

300 characters maximum plus your website link

How Do I Buy a Featured Partner Advertisement?

Contact us via email and give us your website address.  We will check out your website and then follow up with a Paypal option for you to sign up.

Directory Listing Paypal Button Below

Only $5 / month for 12 months, then $15 per month.