Catch Big Bass

Fish the Best Destinations

If you’re looking to catch bigger largemouth bass or even your next personal best, you will need to look at the destination.  There are so many places to catch largemouth bass, but not every popular bass destination will give you lots of opportunities to put a bait in front of lots of big bass over a 2 to 3 day stretch.

If you’re looking for big bass, your best bet is to fish the warm water states down south and to the west.  Alabama, Florida, Texas and California give you a very good shot at a bass above 5 pounds on any of the good lakes.  Bass in the 7 to 8 pound range are possible on many of the Alabama lakes, but if you’re looking for bass up to and above 10 pounds, Florida, Texas and California will give you the best chance.

Best Largemouth Bass Destinations

Use the Right Bait

Upsize Your Lures for Bigger Largemouth

The easiest way to target bigger largemouth bass is to upsize your baits.  Whether it’s worms, lizards, swimbaits, spinnerbaits, crankbaits, jerkbaits, glide baits or other lures, go bigger and you’ll target bigger largemouth bass on a more consistent basis.

Live Baits Catch Plenty of Big Largemouth Bass

Using live bait is one of the most effective ways to catch big largemouth bass.  Nightcrawlers, leeches & bigger minnows will all work to catch big largemouth bass.

Target Key Locations

Bigger Bass Love Cover

Bigger bass often seek out cover such as weeds and wood for a variety of reasons such as safety, ambush points and forage availability.

Bigger Bass Are Often Found Offshore

It’s true that bigger bass are often found offshore, particularly in larger lakes and reservoirs.  Anglers can find large bass around offshore structures such as rocks, humps, break lines and ledges.

Fish at the Right Time

Spring is Awesome

Spring marks the spawning period for largemouth bass.  Very large bass move into the shallows when water temperatures reach 60°F to 70°F.  Males build nests in shallow water, while females are usually nearby.  Anglers catch some of the largest bass of the season from pre-spawn through the spawn.  The bite can be extremely tough for the larger bass during the post-spawn, so timing is key if you’re looking to catch a giant bass in the spring.

Low Light Conditions are Ideal for Summer

During summer, bass often move to deeper, cooler waters to escape the heat.  Anglers usually catch some very big bass early in the morning and in the evening in shallower water, but the bite windows tend to be very short compared to the spring months.

The Fall Months Can Be Awesome

As temperatures cool, bass will begin to aggressively feed on baitfish and other prey to build up energy reserves for winter.  The bite will not always be great when fishing in the fall, however, since these bass have to bulk up before winter arrives, large bass can be quite careless compared to the summer months as they chase large baitfish from shallow to deep.

Use Heavy Gear

To effectively target big bass, it’s essential to choose the right gear.  Opt for a medium-heavy to heavy power rod, which will help you handle stronger fish and cast heavier lures efficiently.  A bait casting reel is typically preferred for heavy gear, as it provides the precision and power needed to reel in sizable bass successfully.

For line, braided options are highly recommended due to their strength, sensitivity and minimal stretch.  However, plenty of anglers catch big bass with monofilament line as well, so braid isn’t your only option.

Use a line with a test strength of at least 20 to 65 pounds, selecting the appropriate strength based on fishing conditions and the anticipated size of the bass.  Additionally, use strong, sharp hooks designed for heavy cover and larger lures.  With the right setup, you’ll be well-equipped to target those big bass successfully!