Floating Worms

Floating worms are unique since they float up off the bottom.  Most anglers fish these baits on a Carolina rig or drop shot rig and they’re probably the best 2 rigs to fish these baits, but they also look good on a variety of others as well.  Shaky head jigs, the Florida rig and even swimbait hooks make these soft plastic baits look good.  As the baits lift off the bottom and float up, they are much more visible and very appealing to a hungry bass.

Best Techniques

Let These Baits Pause Longer

The big advantage of the floating worms is that they float up after you pause the bait.  Anglers that do well with floating worms will usually allow these baits to pause a little bit longer, which helps draw strikes when these baits rise up off the bottom.

Best Rigs for Floating Worms

Carolina Rig

A Carolina rig looks great with a floating worm.  As you pause the bait, it will float up above the bottom, which will definitely draw some strikes from hungry bass.

Drop Shot Rig

The drop shot rig is an awesome rig for targeting smallmouth bass with floating worms.

Florida / Texas Rig

This rig works well with floating worms.  Fish is slowly around the bottom, but let it pause so it can float up off the bottom a little bit.  Bass will often hit it on the pause.


A regular jighead will work well with most of the smaller floating worms.  Just hop them along the bottom and hold on.