
Carp are abundant in most slower-moving, murky water rivers.  While carp can be found in the current, they do not prefer the faster-moving water.  After a heavy rain, you can find carp loaded in the backwater areas of rivers.  Some of these shallow, muddy areas will have hundreds of carp in them when the rivers are high.  As the waters recede, carp will move into the main channels of the river where there is some current.  Once you understand how the water levels will position the fish into certain areas of the rivers, the fishing will become much easier for you.  Find the fish and you can catch them by fishing on the bottom with corn, nightcrawlers, dough baits and boilies.

Fish the Backwaters

The backwaters will usually hold carp throughout the fishing season.  Whether the water is low or high, you can usually find some carp in these areas.

Fish the Current Breaks

The current breaks can be very good, especially for targeting bigger carp.  Find a good pool of water near the main current and you should be able to find some fish.

Fish the Slower Parts of the Main River Channel

The slower moving water of the main river channel can usually hold some fish.  It will often hold some of the bigger carp in the river too.  Make sure you are using heavy enough weights to keep your bait down there and you should be able to catch some carp.

High Water Pushes Huge Numbers of Carp Into the Backwater Areas

When the water is high, the rivers can sometimes be dangerous.  However, this is the time to get into the backwater areas and fish for carp.  You can often find huge numbers of carp in these areas while the water is high.  Catching 30 to 50 fish in an afternoon is not uncommon when the situation is right.

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